Sunday, April 15, 2012

110 volt welder or not? - MIG Welding Forum

Hi, I'm a caretaker in an office block and I need to weld static railings around a large office complex. I can access 13 amp 240 volt power supplies from the buildings near to the railings.

My initial thought was to buy a 130 amp welder and run it off an extension lead. An electrician I know said I should be running 110 volt welder from a transformer and you can run a more powerful welder

Anyway the bottom line is I wanted as heavy duty a mig welder as I could get that would run on a domestic uk supply (transformer or not).

I've a home welder which I use to fix my car and the boss wants me to weld these railings. I'm not gonna use my own welder but as money is not the issue I wanted to get the best welder I could.



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